How to Publish a Competition

The final step of competition creation is publishing the competition on the platform. The competition has three statuses:

  • Draft - when the competition is not yet submitted for publication.

  • Moderation - the ecompetition is in Moderation status after you clicked on the Publishing button. The Tulula administrator will check your competition and allow it to be published on the platform.

  • Published - the competition was approved for publication and is now visible in the list of all competitions.

Only the organizer has access to a competition under the Draft and Moderation statuses.

Click on the Publishing button to submit your competition for review and publication. You will receive a notification about the change in the competition status to the email address specified during the registration.

If you have any issues with competition publishing, please contact us.

Congratulations! 🥳 You created a competition, set it up, added tasks, and submitted it for publication! It's time to start exploring the Statistics page in order to become a master in competition creation on the platform.

If you explore all the steps in the competition setup guide, you will be able to help your friends and family with competition creation, brag about your new skills at the alumni meetings, and even add this info to your resume! (Just kidding!🙂)

Last updated